Tuesday, May 8, 2012

There is a curiously funny children’s picture book titled, What Cows Do When No One is Looking.  The first four pages of this book read:  Do you know what cows do when no one is looking?  People think that cows just eat grass all day.  But when no one is looking…

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, I am writing an “open letter” of sorts titled, What Teachers Do When No One is Looking, for anyone who is under the delusion that teachers come in at 8:00 (when the kids arrive), leave at 3:00 (when the kids leave), copy pages out of a book for assignments, and don’t have to work nights, weekends or over the summer. 

There is an old Native American saying, “Don’t judge a man until you walk two moons in his moccasins.”  I encourage you all to walk two days in any teacher’s moccasins.

What Teachers Do When No One is Looking

Do you know what teachers do when no one is looking?  People think that teachers yell at kids, grade papers and drink coffee while sitting behind their computer all day.  But when no one is looking… 


Cut food, “loan” money, push swings, play kickball, fix glasses, dress up like famous people, write letters, tutor (for free), tie shoes, give “high fives”, open jammed zippers, draw pictures, make faces, create models, do voices or sound effects, dance, chaperone, attend games, encourage, argue, challenge, debate, mediate, counsel, come early, stay late, return emails, go to workshops, plan, integrate, differentiate, re-teach, revise, laugh, yell, and sometimes – cry.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

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